I had a mammogram that came back showing some densities, and.
14+ Brown And Sticky Discharge. Brown sticky discharge is also common just before a period — a sign that regular bleeding is about to start — or early in pregnancy when the embryo implants. What does brown sticky discharge mean? answered by dr.
During menstruation the discharge is the lining of the uterine wall, and this is generally crimson in color. What does brown sticky discharge mean? answered by dr. That goes the same for reddish or light brown discharge, although this may be spotting between periods.
Possible causes of brown discharge include:
As long as your discharge isn't carrying a strong, bad odour. Spotting and brown discharge can also occur after sex. A brown discharge instead of a period normally happens because of late periods. It can appear because of different reasons and is diagnosed depending on the accompanying symptoms, relative to the menstrual cycle, age.